
Belyakova st., transformer shed next to building 23



Nikita Nomerz

is a street artist, curator and documentary filmmaker. He lives and works in Nizhniy Novgorod.

The drawing is part of the Living Walls series that took between 2010 and 2015 to complete. The artist livened the facades of city buildings with attention-grabber characters.

The first drawing appeared in Nizhny Novgorod on the bank of the Oka river. An abandoned water tower acquired a face with its windows acting as the eyes. The artist called it the “Big Brother”. Later, 30 similar drawings appeared in 15 cities and towns.

“The main idea of ​​the project is to liven up city walls. I believe that each building has a personality and an identity. You just need to feel it. To fit a character into a building, you should emphasize its features, consider architectural forms, window openings, doors and cracks. We often walk the streets without noticing buildings. While painting these pieces, I tried to pay attention to cities that live and watch us,"

—  excerpt from an interview with the artist for


“I don’t pretend to take over a city. I just fill voids. I try and carefully select locations for my paintings. They have been abandoned a long time. No one needs them. I do some projects legally as part of street art festivals,"

— texcerpt from an interview for
